Celebrated podumentary, Christ Today with Father Ray returns with the official version of the third installment of his influential, online media series. Father Ray continues his life of faith and charity.
EVANSVILLE, IN, May 24, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — Last year, Raymond Brenner, or “Father Ray” as he is known in his community, made a big decision regarding his legacy; expanding his faith into the global online world. Having recently retired (in June 2019) he chose to continue spreading God’s message in an even bigger way than he’d done before. He knew he had more work to do not only with St. Joseph Catholic Church, but with the charities he’s supported for many years. These causes range from children’s health services to women’s communities of worship and all sorts in between.
The answer was simple: Father Ray needed to expand his influence in a way that would allow him to keep making a difference… on a wider scale than ever before.
With two official episodes already to his credit, and an audio-only preview of this third installment released this past holiday season, Christ Today with Father Ray has set a very high bar for its namesake. Father Ray’s content has proven to be timely and timeless at once, and exactly what many people need during these times of fear and change. The previous episodes have become go-to sources of comfort and inspiration on some of the vital issues of our time; COVID-19, societal unrest, education, worship, and so much more. Most would agree, it’s clear that Raymond Brenner gives his all to each new installment, finding new and exciting ways to tackle the things weighing on many people’s minds. Whether talking about Christ Today or Father Ray’s favorite charities or even his place in the Jasper and Evansville communities, the common denominator is always his faith in God and his mission to make life better for people all over the world.
Naturally, it was a an easy transition when Father Ray decided to enter the world of online broadcasting. Utilizing his decades of experience and wisdom gained from the scriptures—as well as his own personal faith—Father Ray turned out to be the right man at the right time! The latest installment of Christ Today is further proof of that.
Episode Three debuted during the 2020 holiday season strictly as an audio-only, podcast version (with an alternate structure to boot). This was an important, strategic push on part of Father Ray and his production team in order to get the information into the public consciousness before 2021. Why? For many reasons, but chief amongst them was to promote some of Father Ray’s favorite charities at Christmastime. Equally important was the possibility of offering guidance during the first (and hopefully last) COVID Christmas.
But now, as spring rejuvenates all in sight, the true form of this third episode has reached full bloom, and it is ready for official release. This long-awaited podumentary looks and sounds just like what people expect from this series. The show itself is brimming with vitality and wisdom, replete with engaging images, stimulating sounds, and at the center of it all, Father Raymond Brenner doing what he does best.
“There is really no way to put into words how important this episode is,” says a source close to Christ Today with Father Ray. “Like a blindfold coming off, the audience finally gets to enjoy the beautiful visuals, the music, and the true ‘cut’ of the material they only heard late last year. All of this animates Father Ray’s words and wisdom in amazing ways!”
Father Ray plans on continuing this mission to the best of his ability, so that we can all face the days ahead with faith in our hearts and the love of God in our lives.
“The Lord has called us not to be served but ‘To Serve’.” -Raymond Brenner
Earlier in this article, we made mention of Raymond Brenner’s favorite charities. For many people, charity begins and ends during the holiday season, but surely not for Father Ray. In fact, he has made it his life’s mission to help people and spread the word of the the Lord in every way he can. His charity work is second to none. Father Ray has made nearly every decision in his life (including this podumentary series) to advance the message of giving, faith and love; to help others. He simply asks that you learn about these good causes through their respective websites listed in the special section below, and if you’re so inclined the contribution pages are easy to find. Any level of contribution will surely be appreciated.
“It doesn’t need to be Christmastime to make a difference in people’s lives,” says Father Ray. “After the holidays end, we all get back to our regular lives. But that doesn’t mean the struggle for others suddenly stops. People need help year round. So I always like to show my support consistently throughout the year.”
To learn more about Father Ray please visit his official website here.
To view episodes of Christ Today with Father Ray please click here.
Some of the charities that Father Ray donates to include St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Sisters of St. Benedict, Ferdinand, Indiana, Riley Children’s Foundation, Saint Meinrad Seminary & School of Theology, Sisters of Providence, Mater Dei High School, and Sisters of St. Francis (Oldenburg) to name a few. Here is an overview of these organizations for you to better understand the importance of their respective plights:
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, founded in 1962, is a pediatric treatment and research facility focused on children’s catastrophic diseases, particularly leukemia and other cancers. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of their founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay. www.stjude.org
The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, one of the largest Benedictine communities of women in the United States, are monastic women seeking God through the Benedictine tradition of community life, prayer, hospitality, and service to others. By their life and work, they commit themselves to be a presence of peace as they join their sisters and brothers in the common search for God. https://www.thedome.org
The Riley Memorial Association, now named Riley Children’s Foundation, was established in 1921. The group’s first project was to raise enough money to purchase and preserve Mr. Riley’s Victorian home in the Lockerbie neighborhood of Indianapolis, and open it to the public. The group further honored Mr. Riley’s legacy by building Riley Hospital for Children and opening Camp Riley for Youth with Physical Disabilities. Riley Hospital opened its doors and received its first patient in 1924. The history of Riley Children’s Foundation is one of generosity, shown by thousands of supporters who have made the hospital, camp and museum home such treasured resources. Riley’s Emergency Department is Indiana’s only Level I Pediatric Trauma Center treating 30,000 kids each year. http://www.rileykids.org
The mission of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology is the initial and ongoing formation of priests, permanent deacons, and laity to minister together effectively in the service and evangelization of the Roman Catholic Church and the world. https://www.saintmeinrad.edu
Sisters of Providence is a community of Roman Catholic women religious (vowed sisters). The Sisters of Providence live out Jesus’ radical Gospel message by dedicating their lives to love, mercy and justice. They collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy. For more than 175 years, the Sisters have been breaking boundaries and creating hope by serving people on the margins of society throughout the United States and in Asia. They serve according to each of their diverse talents, in the areas of education, social and ecological justice ministries, health care, church and spiritual ministry, and more. https://spsmw.org/about/who-we-are/
For over 67 years, Mater Dei has been the heart of Catholic education in Vanderburgh County. With a focus on the holistic development of each and every student, they encourage their students to dream big and realize opportunities they might not have imagined. https://www.materdei.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=527775&type=d&pREC_ID=1042472
The Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, Oldenburg, are women of prayer, committed to the Gospel values as lived by St. Francis and Mother Theresa Hackelmeier. From their life in community they are sent to extend the mission of Jesus through their presence and service. Enlivened by a spirit of justice, reconciliation and peace, they collaborate with others in responding to the needs of the world. The Sisters of St. Francis fulfill these words by being women of prayer in the ministries they do and the places where they are present. Since Vatican II opened the doors to the many needs of the world, the Sisters minister in education, parish ministry, social service, healthcare and social justice. https://oldenburgfranciscans.org
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