2010 was the conclusion of said Timing Pattern. In 2019 a message explained 2010. Then an earthquake dislodged the trumpet from the angel atop the Mormon Temple. Its timing pattern also spelled C H R I S T, skipping silent letter H, as Moroni ate it.

PALMER, AK, March 02, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ — In 2002 an Internet Poster that would go on to adopt the user name of BeNotDeceived (BND) captured what he now refers to as an Angel Type Image (ATI).

Upon seeing the ATI, BND immediately began to recognize an Unbelievable Timing Pattern, because he’d seen strange stuff regularly occur on March 8, beginning in 1980.

2010 seemed the obvious conclusion to an apparent message, but then 2010 came and went, and that’s when BND adopted his unusual user name. He posted it in a private forum, thinking others might help him figure it out. An Angel of Light Deception seemed the likely explanation.

In 2019 a strange story was posted by Michael Sherwin, who also had experienced many strange anomalies. His story seemed to indicate that he was the Davidic Servant, and he said his Spirit strongly suggested that he post his story there.

Soon thereafter a 5.7 magnitude earthquake landed the Mormon Angel Moroni’s Instrument on the roof of the Salt Lake City Temple. Then a 6.5 magnitude earthquake shook up BND’s son on his birthday.

When Michael posted that his Spirit was involved the scoffer’s scoffed, so he simply invited his Spirit to answer with a 7.3 magnitude earthquake. And one of that exact magnitude did indeed occur about 6 days later.

That made 3 quakes, and then an 8.2 struck, followed quickly by an 8.1, as though someone was sighting on a perfect progression of 0.8 on the Richter Scale.

Meanwhile Michael answered about the significance of 2010, and BND posted a second amazing timing pattern for the 5.7 magnitude earthquake, to which Micheal responded “It’s all way to strange.”

Other key events continued to take place, with one of them being that Taylor Drake finally published Joseph in the Gap, which chronicles a third option, much the same as the Third Way idea advanced by Walter Wink.

Then about 3 hours before the Massive Tonga Steam Explosion, a one Michael Sherwin stated “Rahab stands for the pre-earth chaos. Cutting Rahab is dividing the waters from the waters.” And this was the proverbial straw, that broke the camels back, leading to the registration of march8miracle.org, where said ATI is shown on a sightseeing photo of the Oklahoma City Memorial, taken with a camera that BND was test driving at the time, for the purpose of geocaching.

The two timing patterns are also posted there, with links to a plethora of posts such as those described above.

About the Church of the March 8 Miracle

March 8 is understood to represent the name of the Supreme Being, in keeping with the principal expressed in Section 107 of the D&C (Doctrine and Covenants). This name is also in keeping with 3 Nephi 26:21 and D&C 27:8.

It expressly is a church founded on miracles of timing, that thus far have included an event on March 8, 2002, and another occurring on March 18th, 2020.

Another miracle occurred, when about 3 hours before the Massive Tonga Steam Explosion, a one Michael Sherwin stated “Rahab stands for the pre-earth chaos. Cutting Rahab is dividing the waters from the waters.” And this was the proverbial straw, that broke the camels back, leading to the registration of march8miracle.org

Michael Sherwin has related his story that seems to indicate that he is the Davidic Servant, and many miracles do indeed support his hypothesis.

The 3 miracles discussed above, are only a small sample of miracles that have occurred. More are hoped for, with the understanding that to righteously hope for something, means to expect further manifestations of God.

For the original version of this press release, please visit 24-7PressRelease.com here