The Borrowed Daughter: A Journey Beyond the Edge of Life became an international best seller on launch day!
VIENNA, AUSTRIA, April 02, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — August 23, 2020 Sana Brauner launched her new book “The Borrowed Daughter: A Journey Beyond the Edge of Life” it Became a Best Seller.
Imagine, if you can, that you had written an outline of your life before you were born. If you are able to do that, then, as the creator of your own life story, crises take on a new meaning. This is because absolutely everything that happens to you in life has been written by you. Absolutely everything, good or bad, without exception.
Convinced of this approach, the author is unsparingly confronted with a cruel blow of fate when, on the 24th of December, 2004, a tsunami hit. The entire family is struck by the wave. Her husband, son, and she survive, while her mother falls victim to the flood. Her little daughter, Alexandra-Anita, however, remains lost without a trace.
How can one cope with everyday life amidst the chaos of fear—of searching but not finding, still with the audacity of hope? For the author, the only help comes from a higher dimension. She conducts a very deep dialogue with a force of energy that represents a home for her. A home that she refers to as “My Father,” where communication is direct, and where healing takes place.
Time and again the constant and profound prayers for guidance lend new strength. And thus, she encounters people that accompany her, step by step, day by day, through her life. Letters sent to her with messages of healing from the spiritual world that little by little try to make sense of the experience and the experienced.
With this book the author intends to encourage the reader to always affirm life. She reminds readers that whenever they make a decision, they have the choice to either see themselves as victims, or as creators of their circumstances of life.
Sana Brauner gives us insight into the exciting parallel worlds of our consciousness. She sees herself as a spiritual being, undergoing a human experience – for who or what it is, who or what that breathes! The Borrowed Daughter is a deeply touching book about loss and grief, letting go, and starting afresh – a sensitive and elegantly written book that sets us afire with optimism for life in all its manifestations.
In a recent interview on Thriving Entrepreneur Radio show, Sana said, “There is this part of you that still has to function at some point, and so you have to allow yourself to be in pain, but not to lose yourself in pain. […] Always look for the message behind this.”
The host, Steve Kidd, said, “This is such a powerful story of resilience, profound strength and encouragement! Sana’s tells her story of loss and overcoming, and how to cope with the pain in the moment and move past it. I encourage everyone to get a copy today!”
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I consider myself a spiritual soul. Who makes her experience as a person on the world stage of planet earth and has chosen Vienna as her home town.
I have a strong belief. Something higher. Of a loving intelligence from which everything has arisen and which expresses itself through everything. I believe in an inherent force in all of us. Always available, infinitely available. Uniting us all.
And I believe in a universe that is pure consciousness, where every single story contributes to the expansion of that. Our stories all arise in the invisible worlds of our thoughts and feelings, and only become visible and tangible through the intensive repetition of these.
I therefore give laughter and joy a priority in my life. These help me to find inner, quiet happiness and to deal with my fellow human beings in a loving way.
You can contact Sana at
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