Iconic business educator, author, speaker and coach, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, is collaborating with leading New York media company, The Stone Register, to inspire the business community with ‘Take Five,’ a series of five new Goldsmith originals.

NEW YORK, NY, April 25, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ — Dr. Marshall Goldsmith has been a philosophical Buddhist for many decades. His favorite thing about Buddhism is its psychology, which he believes can be applied by anyone, regardless of what that person believes—or doesn’t believe. This relatability means that Marshall’s message can reach as many people as possible, which is arguably more important right now than ever before.

In that spirit, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith recently partnered with The Stone Register, a leading New York marketing and ad firm, to bring the world the Take Five article series. Last year saw the release of their first two installments with the equally beloved When Do You Eat the Marshmallow? and The Best Advice I Ever Received in July and October, respectively. Now, Dr. Goldsmith, acclaimed author, speaker and executive coach, is gifting his audience with the third entry in the series, Do You Want to Be Mindful?

If you’ve been keeping up, then you already know that Take Five is a no-charge literary initiative featuring the timed release of five exclusive articles, all penned by Goldsmith at various points in his career. For one reason or another, these works all went without a formal release—in most cases never having been published at all. When a writer is as prolific as Marshall Goldsmith, it’s understandable that not every drop of ink committed to paper will be prioritized. As a result, many interesting stories and insights will never see the light of day. It was with this in mind that Dr. Goldsmith and The Stone Register decided to combine their efforts in order to get this amazing material out there for the world to see!

“Take Five began as a vehicle to inspire business-minded people to stay the course during the early days of the pandemic,” explains S.W. Miliano, Managing Director/Co-Founder of The Stone Register. “However, the subject matter ended up being so much more universal than that. It’s testament to Dr. Goldsmith’s wit and wisdom that this series has been so well received.”

Do You Want to Be Mindful? touches down this week and it happens to be the perfect primer for Marshall Goldsmith’s much-anticipated, new book, The Earned Life. Outwardly, these two works could not be more different: one is old, the other is new; one is brief, the other is lengthy; one is mostly about CEOs, the other is more universal in scope. However, the tie that binds these two seemingly disparate works is a significant one indeed. Both pieces are anchored firmly in Buddhist philosophy, which has been central to Dr. Goldsmith’s work ever since his career began. The Earned Life teaches us how to live our own lives—not somebody else’s version of them. It is a veritable life handbook on how to become and connect to something greater than the isolated achievements of our personal ambition (the great Western disease, as Dr. Goldsmith calls it). The shorter piece, Do You Want to Be Mindful? offers a snapshot of significant leaders and their own experiences in terms of values, self-improvement and, of course, mindfulness.

“These new releases are steeped in Buddhist philosophy,” says Marshall Goldsmith. “I hope they go a long way in curing folks of what I call the Western disease, which afflicts anyone who says or thinks, ‘I’ll be happy when…'”

Mr. Miliano adds: “The timing was very fortuitous that these two Marshall works would align in the way that they did. It can only mean that the world is ready for this much-needed life lesson from Marshall.”

Both Mr. Miliano and Dr. Goldsmith are widely considered experts in their respective fields, as well as in the business community overall. Both men have been featured independently in Forbes on multiple occasions, as well as throughout the mainstream news media. Needless to say, these guys mean business—literally. Having worked together for several years in an agency-advertiser capacity, the proverbial light bulb suddenly appeared over their heads when the subject of “giving back” came up, and the Take Five collaboration was born. Last year, the Goldsmith-penned series debuted to great acclaim with flagship title, When Do You Eat the Marshmallow? and its popular follow-up, The Best Advice I Ever Received. Now, the highly-anticipated, third article has arrived and you can begin reading it right here:

Do You Want to Be Mindful? Ask Yourself One Simple Question
By Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

I have been a philosophical Buddhist for almost 50 years. In my journey through life, I have read about 400 books on Buddhism.

A key component of Buddhist philosophy is mindfulness. The concept of mindfulness is quite in vogue today. Even major corporations (which previously would have considered this topic as being too ‘out there’) are conducting seminars on mindfulness. In looking up ‘mindfulness seminars 2020’ on Google, I found countless programs ranging from a day to eight weeks in duration.

My great friend, Dr. Carol Kauffman, is the Founder of the Institute for Coaching at Harvard Medical School. She was recently recognized by Thinkers50 as one of the Most Influential Coaches in the World.

Carol has taught me to repeatedly ask myself a simple question. This question is the most useful tool for increasing mindfulness that I have ever tried.

Am I being the person that I want to be right now?

To me, this question is the perfect summary of what it takes to be mindful.

Nobel Prize winning behavioral economist, Daniel Kahneman, has a profound saying that he repeats in his bestselling book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, “What I see is all there is.” Continue Reading Here — And Don’t Forget to Subscribe to the Series!

To find out more about Dr. Marshall Goldsmith and his work and services, please visit www.MarshallGoldsmith.com

For the official home of ‘Take Five’ click here.

To preorder a copy of Dr. Goldsmith’s upcoming book, The Earned Life, click here.

To check out Dr. Goldsmith’s Amazon author’s page, click here.

For the original version of this press release, please visit 24-7PressRelease.com here