J.L McClendon is the creator of Quarter Water Juices (QWJ), a U.S. web series that has been gaining attention in the media this year.

The series has been successful so far, gaining over 100,000 views on YouTube.

QWJ has been featured on radio stations, blogs and news outlets across the globe, with fans taking to social media to express their love for the series.

The last two fan videos featured on the Quarter Water Juices Facebook page talk about how relatable the series is.

The series is even becoming popular in Malaysia, with a recent article published in Malaysia Flash, an online news site.

McClendon recently shared a video to the QWJ Facebook page, explaining what QWJ means to him.

“For everybody who’s seen season one, thank you for your support,” says McClendon at the start of the video.

He asks his fans to check out www.watchqwj.com and download the Watch QWJ app on iPhone and Android devices.

The QWJ application allows fans to connect with the characters of the QWJ series, ask questions and stay updated with the latest information about the series.

“Quarter Water Juices is a symbol of my past and childhood,” says McClendon.

“The lead character, played by Phillip Terry, is me in some aspects.”

McClendon says the series is an urban soap opera without the corniness.

“We have 9 different characters, 9 different personalities,” says McCleondon.

With the season two release of QWJ approaching, Joseph says that his viewers should follow and subscribe to QWJ’s social media platforms to stay updated with the latest news about the series.

For more information about QWJ, you can visit the Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/watchQWJ