Imagine you’re a hot new POP artist & your record label just released your 1st new album EP to the world. You would be pretty stoked right? Wrong! You awake to your worst nightmare with bombs going off in your city & now you’re missing in exile, WOW!

MISSION VIEJO, CA, March 06, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ — If you’re a Ukrainian that has just experienced the horrific terrorist invasion by Russia, you either stay and fight or you’re forced to flee to another country, and for a new pop star it’s no different! As of March 7th, Popolya has tragically been missing in exile for almost 2 weeks along with one million other Ukrainian refugees, fighting temperatures below zero degrees in their horrific nightmare. “OMG, this is insanity!” Said in horror by Popolya’s producer; Brett Duncan of Mega Cake Records, Inc. (MCR) “The last corresponded I had with her was on the album’s original release date Feb 23rd, and coincidentally, this was the day I asked Popolya if she had any concerns of war with Russian troops at their border” (she replied) “Everything is safe here and I do believe that nothing will happen at all because we all are tired of this war which has been lasting for 8 years already.”

Unfortunately, just like most Ukrainians, her worst fears became a reality waking up the very next day to Russian cluster bombs going off her beloved country! This Prompted her to immediately flee the comfort of her home and be forced into exile as a Ukrainian Refugee. Not to mention the war shut off all communication with her producer leaving her helpless. So consequently, after 6 months of hard work producing and releasing Popolya epic pop album, now there is huge concern for her safety and wellbeing. At MCR we’re devastated!

To fight back, we need help finding Popolya and supporting Ukrainian refugees and their children caught in the crossfire of war. So to make this happen, MCR has re-released the Popolya album with the album title; “Missing in Exile”, and is prepared to donate 30% of all proceeds generated by Spotify, iTunes, Pandora (and 40 other top online music distribution stores worldwide) to “Project Hope” and “Save the Children”. Both these charity organizations have high ratings and will serve their purpose well for the Ukrainians in their desperate need for financial help.

So if you’re concerned this is just a ploy to sell albums? Our answer would be; “are you kidding?” There’s huge crisis going on that needs our help yesterday, and we at MCR felt that donating a generous portion of the ongoing royalties to help the Ukrainians would be a win-win for everyone that enjoys great pop music and feels compelled to help Ukrainians desperately in need.

Also if you’re wondering just how much this could help monetarily? Conservatively consider that only 5% of the 99 million POP fans around the world purchased only one song for 99 cents, 30% would generate $1,732.500. Not bad, but of course to make this work, it’s got to be fueled by a hit song. We invite you to be the judge on Spotify by clicking here. Thank you for your help! Media inquiries, direct 949-357-0655

Mega Cake Records, Inc. is an independent Record company that has been incorporated for 3 years in Mission Viejo, California. Our business model is writing and producing hit mainstream Pop and Rock Music.

For the original version of this press release, please visit here