Developing emotional intelligence is the key to coping successfully with the challenges we face, says corporate and personal development expert and author Joey Klein
DENVER, CO, August 10, 2020 /24-7PressRelease/ — Now more than ever, people need tools to help the navigate the unknown, stay focused on their goals, and avoid being emotionally hijacked by feelings of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty over current events.
That’s the message of corporate and personal development expert Joey Klein, author of “The Inner Matrix: A Guide to Transforming Your Life and Awakening Your Spirit.” He teaches top business leaders and anyone to harness the power of emotion, focus, vision, and intuition through Conscious Transformation™, a proven system of professional development based on cutting-edge neuroscience, ancient wisdom practices, genetics, and psychology.
“As we attempt to navigate the current landscape surrounding politics, racial equality, and human rights, feelings of fear, anger, sadness, guilt, or powerlessness may come up,” Klein says. “There are a lot of emotions and charged feelings, which is why, more than ever, our intention at Conscious Transformation remains to help people access and maintain a state of peace, love, and compassion, no matter what is happening around us.”
Klein and his team teach leaders and individuals how to:
• Manage Your Emotions to Create Your Best Life
• Get out of Problem-Solution Mode and Create Impact Through Influence
• Lead Yourself First Through Internal Training
“We have a primary focus on emotions,” he says. “We show individuals how they can manage their response to all of the things that are happening so that they don’t get caught up in the fear, anxiety, and panic that is so prevalent now.”
About: International Corporate Transformation Expert Joey Klein is an internationally known personal transformation expert, world champion martial artist, business CEO, and author of the book “The Inner Matrix: A Guide to Transforming Your Life and Awakening Your Spirit.” He travels the world teaching his technique of Conscious Transformation to support people in living healthy, happy, and more fulfilling lives. Learn more at and
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